
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Some whacked out fan-fic. Might add on to it.

It was a typical day in City 7 and Fire Bomber was practicing for a concert. Mylene Jenius looked out the window at the streets full of people and then the siren to warn of enemy attacks sounded, breaking her from her thoughts. "Huh?" She looked over at her fellow band members and said, "Basara, are we going to go out again?"

The spiky-haired young adult nodded. "Of course. Let's get goin'!" He said as he ran out towards his Valkyrie and hopped in, ready to go before the others even got outside. Mylene and Rei sighed and ran towards their Valkyries as well, Rei getting in with his partner, Vividas. Basara Nekki flashed onto their screens. "You all ready? Then let's go!" He said, then started up the music, the song "Totsugeki Love Heart" as they flew up to join the group of fighting Valkyries. The enemies were winged creatures that were able to breath easily in space no problem but weren't Protodeviln.

"Listen to my song!" Basara yelled as he started to sing, driving a few of the enemies nuts.

"Where's that music comin' from?!" One said, covering his ears.
"I dunno, but it's driving me nuts! Make it stop!" Another said, doing the same.
"I think it's coming from that group of glowing machines! Let's get 'em!" A third said, pointing towards Basara and the others' Valkyries.
"YEAAAAAAAH!" The three enemies charged at Sound Force, breaking past the many Valkyries that tried to get in their way.
"Sing to THIS, suckers!" One of them said, raising his hand up in the air and shining a brilliant light that engulfed the battlefield. Those that didn't run in fear of dying were caught up in it, which were Basara, Mylene, Rei and Vividas and lastly Gamelin Kizaki.

When Basara and the others opened their eyes, they found they were no longer in space, but in the sky, Gamelin nearby. He flashed onto their screens and said, "Is everything alright?" Basara shrugged. "I dunno, does it look it? We're fine." Mylene then flashed on with the question, "But...where are we?"

" don't know where you are?" A blue hedgehog said, his arms crossed while he sat across a girl with red hair and dressed in a tight outfit. "Not a clue. I was hoping you would know but..."
"Nope, I have no clue." The hedgehog said, shrugging.
"Not a one? What about your friends?"
"Knuckles and Tails have no idea either. And Amy is clueless when it comes to other worlds." He closed his eyes. "So, Lina Inverse, was it? Why did you attack us before?"

The girl shifted uncomfortably for a bit, then said "I thought you were monsters. Sorry about that, Sonic. I wasn't sure what to expect after that bright flash happened." She brought her hand to the back of her head. "Can you forgive me?"

"Well..." Sonic the Hedgehog said, then looked up when he heard his friend Miles "Tails" Prower call his name. "What's up, buddy?" He said, standing up. The small two-tailed fox flew over to him in a hurry. "There's something in the sky, come and see!" He seemed excited and worried at the same time, so Sonic went quickly to see what it was.

Basara had already landed, the other two Valkyries with his, and were all looking around by the time Sonic ran over in a blue blur. Gubaba seemed a bit freaked and on alert at first until Sonic gave a friendly, "Yo." Mylene walked over to him and said, "Did you...just speak? you know where we are?"
"Not a clue, man." Sonic said, shrugging. "We got blasted away in a bright light during a battle with Eggman. You?"

"...We're kinda' the same. Is it just us or..." Mylene said, looking back at Basara who was strumming on his guitar casually as they talked.
"There're some other guys. But I think that's it. Well, of what we've run into, at least." He shrugged and Tails ran up. "What's up, buddy?"
"Um...that girl is trying to find the way out of this lighting it on fire..." His young fox friend said, his ears dropped back. Mylene gave a little anime heart-thing and said, "We should help out, right Basara? We might be able to give more help then whatever other group there is here." Basara shrugged. "Do whatever you want. I'm just gonna stick around here until we figure out where we are." He then burst into song again, making Tails and Sonic give sweatdrops.

"Oooookay. Let's get goin', li'l bro. Otherwise, Knuckles'll have a conniption and start attacking her for destroying nature." He grinned and the little kit laughed as they walked off with Mylene, Vividas following as Rei checked the Valkyries' conditions.

Okay, the most I'm doing for today. Tune in next week, (or whenever I do it) for the next episode of: "Well, it'll get a name eventually."
Until we meet again, I salute you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kagekini Fire!Cant wait for the next episode! After the series is finished I'll definetly buy the DVD Box set containing all episodes!

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse, that I interrupt you, but it is necessary for me little bit more information.

1:10 AM  

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