
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Mountain Camping (And a story?)

Well, sorry for the delay, folks. I was dragged off to go to the mountains, then heard that we were camping there when we got there. So, I wasn't able to post. Sorry about that.

Now then, I believe I had planned to speak to you about the music I like, but there's been a change of plan. Instead, I'll tell you a story.
If anyone falls asleep while reading this they will be put outside instantly.


Once upon a time, there was a young couple. they were engaged to be married. The girl was a young adult of noble class and the boy was a war pilot. He was called off so many times, that they rarely got to see each other.

The day they met, he was flying his plane above her, heading back from a battle when her hat flew off and flew up to him. He reached out and caught it, then look down at her. Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed into his blue eyes, shining like the sky above.

He landed his plane, then got out and walked over to her, holding out her hat. "Is this yours?" He asked softly. The girl's hazel eyes shook as he handed it to her, then turned to go. "Wait!" She cried, running after him. "...Can...can we see each other again?" She asked, her eyes hopeful. The boy looked at his plane, his blonde hair flying in the wind. "...Maybe. We can try. If so, let's meet here again." He smiled, then started to go, when the girl pulled him close and kissed him softly. The boy staggered back, then waved as he ran. The girl smiled and brushed her sandy-blonde hair back from her face, watching as he flew off.

The next few weeks were sweet and loving. Then one day, he pulls from his pocket a small box and she opens it to reveal a ruby ring. She gasps as he gets down on one knee, taking the ring and holding it delicately in his hands. "Cho...I love you, more then I could ever tell. If you feel the same for me, I ask of you to be my wife, forever and after. Do you accept?" He asked, his blue eyes reflecting in her hazel ones. She nods and holds out her left hand for him to slip the ring on to, saying, "I love you too, Kenneth. I would love to be your partner in life and love. In this life and the next, if possible." They embraced and kissed.

After a few months had passed, where he'd spent all the time he could with her, he received a call. It upset him to do so, but he had to let his love know. On their next date, at the same place they'd met, he broke the news to her. "Cho...darling...There's something I need to tell you." He turned his head to her, interrupting her from styling his hair in a pony-braid. She let go of his hair, letting it fall loose and giggled as it brushed against her. Then she paid attention to what he had to say. He brushed his hair back, unsure of how to tell her. She moved to the front of him and sat down on his lap. "What's wrong, Kenneth?" She asked. He sighed and said, "Cho...I have to go off to battle."

She smiled slightly. "Why? What's going on? It's been so peaceful so far." She played with his strands, then blinked as he grabbed her hand away. "I'm afraid that that's classified. And I'm not sure when I'll be back, either." He sighed and brushed her hair back, his eyes distant. "...If I'm not back by next can go ahead and forget about me..." He get up slowly, so she didn't fall down. She blinked, then ran after him, as he was walking away. "Wait!" She said, stopping right behind him and throwing her arms around his waist. "I don't care how long you're gone...I'll be here, waiting. A thousand years or more, I'll be waiting! So, don't you ever forget me...I'll wait, for eternity, until you've returned. I promise, that when you get back, I'll be here, waiting. Because love is stronger then time itself, and I love you as a child loves sweets. I need you, as fish need the water in the sea! I'll always be true to you, I swear it on my life!" She said all this, tears slipping down her cheeks.

He turned, unsure. His eyes were turned away, thinking. Then he looks at her, and the tears she was giving for him, and he felt certain. He knelt down, and wiped her tears away softly. "I understand. I'll come back to you, I promise. As long as you wait." He kissed her softly, then moved away, reluctant. But soon he heard his radio sound, and ran over to answer it. After a few mintes, he was taking off. He pulled off a small pendant he'd always worn and tossed it to her, smiling one last time before he was out of her view. She ran and had to jump to catch it, then looked up, waving as he flew away. Then she put on the pendant and stood up on a rock they'd always been together on. And she would stay there, until he returned.

The End
Well, that was lovely, wasn't it? Well, I have to go now. Farewell, my friends! Until I return, I salute you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been tagged!

this page is still brand new, but keep it up and it'll turn into somethin. :D

2:13 PM  
Blogger The Big T said...

I have!? O.o Wel, thanks for reading it. I came up with it while riding home from the mountain.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks 4 letting me post! :) Keep writing!

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for a good read.

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3:20 AM  

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