
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The real first post.

Okay, I'm calling this the 'real' first post, because that last one was just an introduction. Somewhat. I'll talk to you about my home, for starters.

I live in a house of 8 people. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother and two parents. I like my family, but sometimes my brother can get to be a hassle. And that's buggy.

Like my profile says, I like to Roleplay. I also love to pick up my Kelly and Tommy dolls and act out different things with them. Like, sometimes Kelly is a guy with long hair. In fact, that's more often then not. Hehe. It's kinda' funny, how some of the things go. They could go into full stories, or I just stop and go do something else and it never goes anywhere. Tommy is mostly short-haired girls. I like the fact that I can dress them up as the opposite gender and no one would notice the difference.

I also love to act out the characters by walking around and moving as the characters do. It's a lot of fun, really. You should try it. I've done male and female chracters, all doing different actions. It's really fun and I love to do it.

Another thing I love to do is Roleplay online. I can make so many characters there, and I can put characters I already have in several things at once. I love to do it!

Then there are the video games. I love to play those. DRR and Final Fantasy are different, but fun. I love the series Wild Arms, it is just so fun! You should try it.

As for music...what? I'm out of time? Ah, well! Until I return, my friends! I salute you!


Blogger Me? said...

Your blogs name is refreshingly typical. I kinda like the closing phrase, kinda adds something.

2:58 PM  

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