
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Friday, August 12, 2005

First post.

Okay, so this is my first post on this thing. And it took me so long to finally get it to listen to me when I wanted to choose my username. Kept saying that I couldn't use that one, or that it 'wasn't avaliable'. I mean, really, what's up with that?

Maybe I should rant off about something, or I could end it here. I don't know. I just know that my sister has a crazy blog, and I'll probably end up making this one just as crazy. Why am I such a hypocrite?

Go ahead, comment, complain, do what you want with me. Boil me, drown me, bash me on the head. I don't care. It won't hurt, because I'm behind my mask: The Internet.


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