
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A couple Songs I made.

Okay, so I was sitting in my room, playing with my older sister's music-box toy when I came up with this song. I wish I could give you the tune, but I can't.
Fantasy Dream
Teresa M. Harrison
Verse 1:
When will the sun shine on my forgotten memory?
Why can I not see who I used to be?
Who am I now? Who was I then?
These questions run all through my head.
My mind is numb, my head it aches.
I feel like I'm about to break.
Maybe I can find myself,
If I look for that White Forest of Legend.
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Verse 2:
Was that a Dream? Or, some other Fantasy?
I was the clouds go by.
I feel the wind in my hair.
And then I think, 'What was I before?'
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Verse 1:
When will the sun shine on my forgotten memory?
Why can I not see who I used to be?
Who am I now? Who was I then?
These questions run all through my head.

My mind is numb, my head it aches.
I feel like I'm about to break.
Maybe I can find myself,
If I look for that White Forest of Legend.
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Pretty, wasn't it? It's better if you have the tune.
Next One!
The Knight
Teresa M. Harrison
Verse 1:
As the fire burns in the night,
The shadows come to life, dancing in the light.
And the looks down and sighs,
Wishing to join in the delight.
Down the road comes a knight gallant,
Unaware of the Ghouls that follow.
Only seeing what is up ahead.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.

Verse 2:
The Ghouls they grin, the prey is unknowing.
He only cares for the young girl, gently slowing.
Unaware of the danger right behind.
They lash out, she takes the blow.
The Knight he turns, then slashes at them.
Then he takes the young girl in his arms.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.
Verse 3:
The young girl reaches up, her hand wet with blood.
She smiles and then slowly falls dead.
The Knight he cried, remembering when she danced.
He would no longer see her dance again.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.
I don't know how it turned out that way, it just did.
I hope you enjoyed the poems\songs and will be appeased for this day.
Until we meet again, I salute you!


Blogger Me? said...

The tune for the first one I think is called "Send in the Clowns".
I liked the first one, though I couldn't quite get it to fit the tune.

The second on was a little confusing and breif but still managed to tell some form of story.

They definately have potential.

1:13 AM  

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