
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

On Demand

Hokay, I was going to do this last night, but I went to sleep whilst my sister was doing her blog. So, I was delayed. Sorry 'bout that, folks.

Anyway, onto blogging. I've gotten people asking me to update, so I'll update. But what will I update with? Well~, if I had a digital camera, I'll take pictures of something and show you it. But I guess I'll just have to tell you.

Yesterday, I was doing some art. I was told to draw what I saw, so I did a glass tray, (goblet-like) a clock, a necklace, a pencil, a cup of jelly-beans, (it looks like a sack, though.) and a window.

This said Window is what I am going to tell about. You see, I had to draw something that had to do with my life. So, I drew a window. And I described it like this: "This relates to my life: I open a lot of windows. Especially on the Computer." Everyone laughed at this, and I was advised to put it on a shirt. So, I made a version to put on a shirt, with big round-ish letters. (My "Ts" look like they're wearing cowboy hats! XD) Anyways, I wanted to show you it...but it's not on the compy. Dang.

Anyways, what should I tell about next? ...Hm...

Well, there's another thing I want to put on the computer. You know God Wars? Mentioned in Becca-isms? Well...I have some characters from there, and I have my dolls dressed like them. ...Actually, they were based off of the dolls. But, I could still show you the Eternal. (Also mentioned in Becca-isms. Wow, I'm mentioning Becca-isms a lot today, aren't I?)

Tomorrow, the person who suggested that I put the message on a shirt is going to come over to our house. So, that's a yay-factor. And I got 100 bucks in play money at Scripture Mastery during Seminary. Though I only have 40 bucks right now, my teacher owes me money. She's in debt with a lot of people, isn't she?

Anyways, I'm finding a lot of my older sister's clothing in my drawer. Someone's to blame for this, (knows who it is.) But, I think that's all cleared up now.

I think the computer's snoring, what the heck?! It's making noises like sleeping people do. Why is it doing that? *looks under* Oh, better not do that again. Too dark to bother with. I'll just say it's snoring.

We got a new printer, YAY! It's been put up, actually, but I haven't updated in a while, sorry 'bout that. It's all shiny-ful, and so-much-like-the-last-one-ful. Hm. If I really make that Window shirt, do you think it'll sell? Just wondering, not really going to sell it. Hm...

Went to see our grandparents this month, that was fun. Camped for 5 days there. I rode in a boat, hung out with grandparents, came up with new plots ideas with my younger sister. We had fun. Oh, and I'd forgotten how to ride a bike, but afore mentioned younger sister helped me remember by teaching me again. So, I got to ride on a bike. Yayness.

Hm...It's not really early in the day, but it's not really late, either...about 9:19 A.M. What does the "A.M." stand for, anyway? I found out at one point, but I think I forgot. Wait...people're supposed to be up by 9:00A.M., and most of everyone's asleep!

Well, gonna sign off now. Ponder on what I've said, and comment. Until we meet again, I salute you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you can someday get those images on! Hmmm do you think your teacher might owe me money? I sure need some!

9:03 PM  
Blogger The Big T said...'s fake money, you silly person.

Yeah, I want to get the images on them too, but I'd need a digital camera to do that.

Anyways, you're toofar away to get Mormon Money from her, plus you need to go to Seminary...but you're too old for that. High school ages only, it seems.

8:49 AM  

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