
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

A new post (With a story)

Hello, I've been back from Canada for six days! I've just been too busy to post. >,> Dang chores and stuff. I had decided to try to tell you a story, but I can't think of, I'll just tell you about what I've been doing while I do so.

Well, for one thing, I've been doing work at home, then listening to my new CD. I hung out with a friend on the 24th and she gave me a CD she'd made for me beforehand. It's got a lost of stuff on it.

Secondly, I've been on Gaia, and you know how that steals my attention away from everything else. The new Gaia Towns I've been expecting are supposed to come out in 2-5 days and I'm really anticipating it.

Thirdly, I've been trying to make up a story, since I didn't last time, and now I still don't know what to tell about! Hmmm...

Okay, I'm going to try.

Crickets chirp and music plays as a young young girl plays on a swing at night. She pumps her legs back and forth, and doesn't notice as a man comes out of the shadows and walks towards her, knife in hand. She looks up and sees him, then stops swinging, stunned. Who was this man?Cautiously she slips off the swing, her eyes ever on the strange man until she turns a corner.

He hadn't moved while she was watching him, so she turned and walked on, only to find him blocking her way, knife in the other hand now, a menacing grin on his face. She smiled uneasily and moved to the side, only to find him blocking there now. She moved to several positions, finding him blocking her every time. " you have something you with to speak about with me?" She asked, watching him warily.

Them an chuckled slightly, his eyes roving over her body, from her head, to her chest, to her abdomen area, then finally to her toes and back again. She was wearing a short blue velvet skirt that was topped with a matching blue velvet top. Her shoes were small and buckled and her silk socks matched the outfit, ending in lace. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail with a braid ending it and her eyes were blue. "Oh, nothing much, miss." He said, chucking her face up to him.

She stepped away, escaping his hold. "Then please, leave me be." She said, walking over to where he wasn't blocking, only to have it blocked again. "What is it you want?" She asked, looking up at him. The man was wearing black on black, with a black hat and trenchcoat to top it. His eyes were un-veiwable. His voice was pasy, and it creeped her out somewhat. "If you have something you want, please say so." She moved to the side again, with him blocking it. Then she sighed and lifted her book-bag. "If you do not move, I will personally make you." She said, her dark eyes glaring daggers. "I will say this one last time. Please. Move. Aside." She moved to go past him, but he'd blocked her again.

"Oh, what're you going to do, honey? Call your mother and father?" He chuckled again, then grabbed her arm. "C'mon, I know a reeeeally nice place. Let's go." He tugged her arm, making her wince. Next thing he knew, he was flying ten feet away from her as she was straightening up, her outfit slightly ruffled. "Excuse me." She said, walking on.

As she neared her home, she looked back and sighed. "Oh, please. Couldn't he come up with anything better? Doesn't he think I can fight for myself?" She turned back to the house and entered, walking up to her room.

[Well, that was nice, but you'll have to wait for another day to hear the rest. Until then, I salute you!]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhm...I'm curisous as to who is the young young girl, and where she is from...can she sing? main characters should sing...and play guitar.... maybe next time, instead of throwing him, she could just sing and get laughed at.... lol

9:05 AM  
Blogger The Big T said...

Sorry, I don't think I'll be continuing that after all. Maybe if enough people ask for it to be, I will, but otherwise, no.

9:23 AM  

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