
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Mmmmm, Dinner!

Okay, that has nothing at all to do with my post, actually.
But, I am hungry. *eyes lunch box*

The reasons I haven't been posting are:

1) I've been busy with RL and my stories and stuff.
2) I forgot my password and user-name.
3) I've actually been looking for a job of some kind.
4) Uhm...I had something, but I lost it. I'll find it later.

Anyways! Those are my reasons, and I know they're no excuse.
I'll make up for all the missed time later. ^^ I don't have time before class.
Heck, You may have to wait a day...or two. Very busy, I am.

So, yeah! That's what's been up, and I hope no one hates me! 'BYE! *wavies and runs*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... last post was in November... we are in April... come on, give us something...anything.... :P

Don't worry, we won't hate you...just..don't abandon us :'(


10:10 AM  

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