
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The red and white Hypocrite.

Not sure if Pedro saw the last one, but here's another for him to view. As well as all of my readers. This is another Seminary-related story.

At 6:13 a.m. today, I was picked up by the Jedidis, and taken to Seminary. On the way, I saw that "Jesus cares about you" sign that I always do. Only, today, I saw it change right before my eyes and instead say "HYPOCRITE." I'll admit, I was surprised, but figured it was my imagination. When I blinked, it was gone. I left it out of my mind.

Hoewever, when I got to the building, I entered class to find them attempting to bake a cake without the intructions. They ended up putting the egg-shells in the cake pan, so we got egg-shells in the cake. We didn't eat it, it was also too salty and was never baked.
Anyways, cake aside, on the blackboard, she had written "Doctrine + Covenants," since we were talking about them being our "recipe of the future" or something like that. Corny-sounding to me.

Anyways, when I looked at those words in the blackboard, I saw "HYPOCRITE" at first. When more was written, they were "HYPOCRITE" before they changed to what they were supposed to be.

The oddest thing about these, and what scared me most, besides them being different at first, was how everytime I saw the word, on the sign and the blackboard, I saw them flashing red and white, blazing lights, like fire. It scared me, and I felt cold inside.

I left with the others quickly, trying not to think about it, but when I got in Sister Jedidi's car, her turn-signal starting whispering "Hypocrite, Hypocrite" over and over and over. I quickly asked her to turn on some music and I didn't hear it any longer, as she'd turned.I sang with a few of the songs, but I couldn't get this out of my head. Why was this happening? In class, I had the urge to draw a self-portrait of me holding the Bible, reading it, but chains were wrapped around my arms, pulling me down to Hell.


Okay, that was a creepy story to tell and I'm glad I got that weight of my chest. Let's see...what. we're out of time? Darn. I was going to tell you about how I got a new bunnie and play out her life-style. Her name is Queen Andrea Leia Cleopatra's Foot. Guess who named her? You guessed right. Becca. We call my little bunny "Drea" for short.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting story, thanks for sharing it, and I pray you understand it as you grow...

4:46 PM  

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