
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The red and white Hypocrite.

Not sure if Pedro saw the last one, but here's another for him to view. As well as all of my readers. This is another Seminary-related story.

At 6:13 a.m. today, I was picked up by the Jedidis, and taken to Seminary. On the way, I saw that "Jesus cares about you" sign that I always do. Only, today, I saw it change right before my eyes and instead say "HYPOCRITE." I'll admit, I was surprised, but figured it was my imagination. When I blinked, it was gone. I left it out of my mind.

Hoewever, when I got to the building, I entered class to find them attempting to bake a cake without the intructions. They ended up putting the egg-shells in the cake pan, so we got egg-shells in the cake. We didn't eat it, it was also too salty and was never baked.
Anyways, cake aside, on the blackboard, she had written "Doctrine + Covenants," since we were talking about them being our "recipe of the future" or something like that. Corny-sounding to me.

Anyways, when I looked at those words in the blackboard, I saw "HYPOCRITE" at first. When more was written, they were "HYPOCRITE" before they changed to what they were supposed to be.

The oddest thing about these, and what scared me most, besides them being different at first, was how everytime I saw the word, on the sign and the blackboard, I saw them flashing red and white, blazing lights, like fire. It scared me, and I felt cold inside.

I left with the others quickly, trying not to think about it, but when I got in Sister Jedidi's car, her turn-signal starting whispering "Hypocrite, Hypocrite" over and over and over. I quickly asked her to turn on some music and I didn't hear it any longer, as she'd turned.I sang with a few of the songs, but I couldn't get this out of my head. Why was this happening? In class, I had the urge to draw a self-portrait of me holding the Bible, reading it, but chains were wrapped around my arms, pulling me down to Hell.


Okay, that was a creepy story to tell and I'm glad I got that weight of my chest. Let's see...what. we're out of time? Darn. I was going to tell you about how I got a new bunnie and play out her life-style. Her name is Queen Andrea Leia Cleopatra's Foot. Guess who named her? You guessed right. Becca. We call my little bunny "Drea" for short.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wow, haven't posted since May 21st. m'o'm

Guess I better do a post before Pedro goes bald! XD

Anyways, my friend's hair aside, how-dee-doo! It's been a while since I met you!
Let's drink to our acquaintanceship, and watch the sun set and the moon rise!


Okay, enough of that.
Now, what should I write about?
I don't have any continuation for that Sonic/Macross 7 fanfic, but I'm thinking of it.
All of my roleplays keep getting in the way.

I already told you about my characters, (well, some of them at least), so you don't need to hear about that again...
Hmmm...I had an idea, but...what was it again?

I was going to tell you about our cats! For this time, I'll tell you about...Shiro. Let's do this story-book format, shall we? (Camara pans out)

A Day in the Life of the Shiro.

'I am pretty. I am gorgeous, in fact. So, why is it that whenever I try to go outside, I'm always carried back in? After all, I wash the dirt off of my paws all the time. I'm a very clean cat. So, why am I kept from doing what I love most? Bathing in the road.'

A white persian wearing a pink bell-collar paced back and forth outside, thinking of earlier that day. And the day before that. And the day before that as well! Ever since she'd started, she'd been dragged away from the nice, warm road.

In fact, just the other day, when she'd been enjoying herself, the youngest of the Humans that lived in her house had dragged her in and handed her to the middle child, then taken off, leaving the door wide open. Angered by the lack of attention the middle child was giving her due to some strange lights on the black box high above her, she'd tried to pull away, and finally slashed the girl, making her cry out in pain and let her go. She'd quickly hidden in the laundry room and didn't come out until she was sure it was safe.

"Oh, but why? Why must they always be so cruel to me?" She lamented, stopping her pacing and sitting beside the large seat.
"Oh, shut up." A grumpy voice said, making her look up. "You get all the food you want, all the attention, and all the love you need. Gosh, you're as bad as that Cali, if not worse." A short-haired calico-tabby's head peeked over the side, her intense green eyes reflecting the persian's beautiful features.
"Oh. Crab." The Persian said, looking away. She'd never cared to look at that rough, crabby, mean cat that thought she owned the area. "What are you doing here, interrupting my precious, private thoughts?"
"Thoughts?" Crab scoffed. "Shiro, you must be deaf. You were speaking aloud, not thinking." She rolled over on her side, bored of this conversation already.
"...Alright, interrupting my precious, pri-" Shiro started, but a large, male cat came over. "...Oh, Little Boy."

Little Boy gagged. "Oh, pu-leaze! Shiro, don't call me that stupid, useless name that the Humans gave me." He walked closer, looking at both the girls. "So, what're you two babes doing here all alone? Why don't we...go somewhere...and have some fun? In fact, let's do it right here, right now." He said, moving closer to Shiro. A paw swung down and hit him in the face, claws bared. "Owww! CRAB!"
Crab looked down at him, an expression of annoyance and distaste on her face. "Get lost, go find your boyfriend." She said, jumping down from the seat. "Or, just go find Jewel. I think she's in heat again anyway, that skank."
Shiro gasped. "Crab, don't say such a thing! Oh, my poor, precious, delicate ears!" She kneeled down, as if trying to hide in the grass.
"Good grief. Hey, I think the Humans are going somewhere!" Crab said, and Shiro quickly looked up to find nothing.
"Crab, that wasn't very nice!" Little Boy said, getting up on the seat and settling down comfortably. "And anyways, you'd be the same way as Jewel, if you weren't spayed." He said, resting his head on his large paws, looking down at her.
"Keh!" Crab said, then walked off, her tail held high. "And proud of it, you perv!"

Shiro sighed and walked over to the Human door. "Let me in! I want inside! I'm hungry!" She said, but when no one replied at first, she scratched the door ("Oh, my delicate paws!") and someone finally opened it, the eldest female Human. The mother.
Little Boy watched as she went in, then shrugged and went off to find the kittens.
Inside, Shiro was greeted with love and attention. Maybe, Crab was right. Maybe she did get all the attention she needed. But, she still wished that she would be allowed to do what she wanted.
She left her public and went inside to eat, where she ran into - Cali.

Cali, who'd always been her rival when it came to cuteness. And now, she was eating her food! Ohhhhh, the horror! Well, it would have to come to this. She pushed ahead and shoved the Calico aside, then started to eat. Mission accomplished.
"Hey!" Cali said, offended. "Help! Help! She broke my paw! She broke my paw!" At her laments, although it wasn't understandable by the Humans, her Human had quickly gone over to see what was the matter. Once safely nestled in her arms, she forgot all about her unbroken paw and melted.
Shiro watched for a bit, then continued to eat. At least this way, Cali wasn't in her way. Suddenly, a new enemy arrived! Crab had come for her food now! Oh, so cruel! Why must the world be so cruel!
"Move aside, you pig in cat's fur." Crab said, smacking her aside and taking the food. "It's not just your food."

"Kitty!" Crab's Human said, walking over to her. "Bad! Ohhh, Shiro~!" She said, scooping her up and nestling her in her arms.
"Shi-ro-wo-wo-wo-wo~!" The middle child said, coming up behind Crab's Human, as if from the very shadows. "Are you okay?"
"Good grief." Crab mumbled, then continued to eat. "I only pushed you aside. You know what? I'm done here." She said, leaving the food and walking past them, leaving the two fluff-brains alone.
"Good." Shiro said, then wriggled out of Crab's Human's grasp, returning to her food. Then, once she was full, she wandered off and went to sleep on the couch, right between two Humans. Another day finished.

There. Shiro may or may not be a Persian, I have no clue, really. Anyways, that's my post for today.

Until we meet again, I salute you!