
Well, this is the place where I project my crazy mind's ideas. Watch out, 'cause I might throw something really bothersome at you!

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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am a creative woman who enjoys playing with her imagination. While to some this may not be much, I feel that I will project much of my imagination into this blog, so watch out! I may throw out things things that confuse you, and some that have to do with Becca-isms.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I promised this...

Okay, I made the mistake of promising pictures of my characters in their original form - Kid dolls. Well, I succeeded. And here's quite a few of them.

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This is Recca, who's in the Gaiaonline version of God Wars. I might supply a link to it.
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And this is Tersa, also in the said God Wars game. The picture's crappy, should've gotten a better one.

Anyways, I first made these two up in doll-form, while I was playing with Becca on her bed. We were playing out the 3rd game of the series.
She needed a side-plot, so I made up some enemy to attack the good guys. It turned out that they were just lackeys of some guy called "Recca." Most of the party thought of a red-skinned muscleman. The rest, just didn't care.

Anyways, the party went along their merry way, and sometime along the way, they got an invitation to a party! They all chose to go and then they got there, people were dancing. It was decorated nicely, complete with weapons on the walls. How predictable. They were attacked by the dancers, who'd pulled the weapons off the walls. High up in the room, a boy and young woman were watching them, a blue haired boy with them. (Curses, didn't get a picture of him!)

These were the two watching them. (Should've just gotten them both in one pic.)
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Lovely, aren't they?

Anyways, when the dancers were beaten, the party went to attack the three above. The blue-haired boy suggested they depart and the boys escaped, while the woman was captured. The boy was sorrowful about this and wanted to go back to get her, but his friend said it'd be too risky.

Meanwhile, the party'd gotten her tied up and learned that the boy with the blue-haired one that'd escaped was "Recca" and she was Tai. Most of them laughed, or dropped their mouths. Nothing like the image.

Later, the boy was ordered to help them by his father after he'd been beaten by the good guys and joined up, soon getting to fit in with the group.

But, that aside, there's someone else to show you.
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Meet Ivy, who had a different name originally, but we'd forgotten it so much we stuck with Ivy.

Anyways, name origin aside, she shows up in 4-2, the second part of the 4th game of the series.
She shows up as one of the princess Anrietta's classmates\friends. Over time, that seemed to fade. Blame the war going on.

Anyways, friendship aside, this girl decided that, because Recca helped save her and a bunch of other teenage girls from his friend gone mind-controlled, that he was her Prince Charming, her Knight in Shining Armor, or something like that. Not his intention at all, since he'd already had someone he liked at the time. In fact, he still does. He does all throughout it. Silly boy.

Anyways, she'd then taken to being his stalker\self-appointed girlfriend\fan-girl. Odd girl, eh? Somehow, this got her to meet up with the rest of the party and become a semi-major character.
How did that happen?


Now, in the 5th game of series, there's a lot of people you recognize and a lot you don't. Recca is still in this, and so is a bunch of others.

During game-play, they come across this girl who'd looking worried about something. Upon asking her what her dilemma is, she explains that her friend is in the battle arena and needs help. The party then asks what the friend looks like and she shows them a picture of what seems to be a blond girl looking over her shoulder.

They agree to go look for the girl and then walked around, stopping at the arena. There's some commotion inside, and then a blond person flies out, landing in the dirt amidst laughter from inside. Then the person stood up and dusted itself off, hissing at the people inside. The party could then see that it was the girl in the picture.

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Many of them were surprised and\or shocked to find out it was actually a boy around the age of 16.

Dang, I should've taken more pictures. I'll continue this some other time, folks!
Until we meet again, I salute you!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A couple Songs I made.

Okay, so I was sitting in my room, playing with my older sister's music-box toy when I came up with this song. I wish I could give you the tune, but I can't.
Fantasy Dream
Teresa M. Harrison
Verse 1:
When will the sun shine on my forgotten memory?
Why can I not see who I used to be?
Who am I now? Who was I then?
These questions run all through my head.
My mind is numb, my head it aches.
I feel like I'm about to break.
Maybe I can find myself,
If I look for that White Forest of Legend.
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Verse 2:
Was that a Dream? Or, some other Fantasy?
I was the clouds go by.
I feel the wind in my hair.
And then I think, 'What was I before?'
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Verse 1:
When will the sun shine on my forgotten memory?
Why can I not see who I used to be?
Who am I now? Who was I then?
These questions run all through my head.

My mind is numb, my head it aches.
I feel like I'm about to break.
Maybe I can find myself,
If I look for that White Forest of Legend.
Am I there Mommy?
Take my hand, Daddy.
Lead me through the trees.
The sky is full of Candy Clouds.
And then I wake up.
Pretty, wasn't it? It's better if you have the tune.
Next One!
The Knight
Teresa M. Harrison
Verse 1:
As the fire burns in the night,
The shadows come to life, dancing in the light.
And the looks down and sighs,
Wishing to join in the delight.
Down the road comes a knight gallant,
Unaware of the Ghouls that follow.
Only seeing what is up ahead.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.

Verse 2:
The Ghouls they grin, the prey is unknowing.
He only cares for the young girl, gently slowing.
Unaware of the danger right behind.
They lash out, she takes the blow.
The Knight he turns, then slashes at them.
Then he takes the young girl in his arms.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.
Verse 3:
The young girl reaches up, her hand wet with blood.
She smiles and then slowly falls dead.
The Knight he cried, remembering when she danced.
He would no longer see her dance again.
A lady shining, gentle and fair.
Dances with the shadows there.
Unaware of the knight's adoring mind.
She stops and sees, her eyes they shake.
She takes a step back, her body it quakes.
Fearful of the knight's ensnaring eyes.
I don't know how it turned out that way, it just did.
I hope you enjoyed the poems\songs and will be appeased for this day.
Until we meet again, I salute you!